Core Requirements
Select your OS :
Visual Studio C++ Redistributable 2017 32bit + 64bit version
Download 64 bits version Download 32 bits versionRequirements Glibc Version 2.17+ Centos7+ / Debian 8+ / Ubuntu 14.10+
Deb Package System
apt-get install libtbb2:i386
RPM Package System
yum install tbb.i686
Known and solved bugs :
You have an error indicating that : @The_Programmer/accounts.cpp is not found
DOWNLOAD CORE FOR @the_programmerYou have an error indicating that : @The_Programmer/accounts.cpp is not found
DOWNLOAD CORE FOR @the_programmerYou have an error indicating that : dependencies are missing on your server.
The problem is that you have not uploaded theprogrammer_core.dll and theprogrammer_core_x64.dll to your @The_Programmer because the host does not allow you to.
You have to open a ticket to ask them to put these 2 files on your server instead.
OPEN A TICKET ON have an error indicating that : dependencies are missing on your server.
The problem is that you have not uploaded theprogrammer_core.dll and theprogrammer_core_x64.dll to your @The_Programmer because the host does not allow you to.
You have to open a ticket to ask them to put these 2 files on your server instead.